Annual Report 1951


…Halifax Visiting Dispensary $200; Canadian National Institute of the Blind $200; Children’s Hospital $250 and Salvation Army $300. Maintenance of inmates in charitable institutions during the year cost the Town…

Conspectus of American Politics

prospectus politics whigs

…to institute government and institutions to better one’s community, it is an inherent crime to dissolve those institutions without the consent of the governed. “All power is inherent in the…

Virginia Declaration of Rights

…and at all times amendable to them. III. That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection and security of the people, nation, or community; of…

Sovereign Citizens

…the people, the perfection of democracy is to be found in the total insulation of the people from political power, not in their participation. So, in terms of the mechanics

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