Dartmouth Nail Manufactory

The subscriber having established a Cut Nail Manufactory (on the) road leading from Dartmouth to Preston, about two miles from Skerry’s Ferry, manufactures cut nails of all descriptions of Iron and copper warranted equal in quality to any imported from Great Britain and the United States. As the proprietor for hammers at considerable expense for the machinery all of which happen to be made in this (?) (?) his immediate direction, he humbly hopes for encouragements from a (?) public Nails of all sizes from 3d. (?) can be had wholesale or retail, at reduced prices, at the store of John Albro (?) Hollis Street, Halifax. Thomas Moran. Sept 7.

Acadian Recorder, 10 January 1835. Page 4, Column 6. https://archives.novascotia.ca/newspapers/archives/?ID=1889&Page=201117608