Chronological Table of Dartmouth, Preston, and Lawrencetown

dartmouth township

…Incorporation of Richmond Bridge Co. (J.E. Starr, A.W. Godfrey, etc.) for purpose of erecting bridge of boards across Harbour, 14 April, 1845 MechanicsInstitute building erected, 1845 Col. G. F….

Their common country

…in their pursuit of happiness, the basis of the safety and security afforded by “the commonwealth”. Howe, Joseph. An Address Delivered Before the Halifax MechanicsInstitute. November 5th, 1834.…


…for our side of the harbor. A public meeting, with Andrew Shiels as Chairman and Dr. DesBrisay as Secretary, was held at the MechanicsInstitute early in February when resolutions…



…made at Tangier in 1860. In the succeeding months hundreds of adventurers hastened thither by land and by sea. In December at the MechanicsInstitute a bazaar was advertised to…


…William Shakespeare. A fellow-townsman Frederick Passow, read several appropriate selections from the works of the great playwright. Later that year, Mr. Howe delivered a shorter lecture at the MechanicsInstitute….

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