From The Story of Dartmouth, by John P. Martin: In February 1902 the last of the old-style “Town meetings” was held. The question discussed that night was the purchase of…


…their return the delegates reported at a town meeting that Sir Charles had asked what aid Dartmouth would give in the way of providing terminal facilities. They further reported that…


…was sanctioned at the annual town meeting that spring. Meantime the Council made provision for further supplies of water for fire fighting. That summer Contractor John McBain excavated the swampy…

Railway bridge

storyofdartmouth-27 bridge

…for a more sturdy and substantial structure. But Dartmouth merchants had had enough of costly roundabout freight hauls and vexatious delays of passenger connections at Richmond. Town meetings, which were…

John Prescott Mott


…1861 he was among the incorporators of a Company intending to supply Dartmouth with a system of water and gaslight. Always prominent at town meetings, he served twice as Councillor…

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