Hospital For The Insane


From the annual report of the Medical Superintendant for the Hospital for the Insane, a copy of which has just been received, we learn that the rate of recovery during the year was very high, being fifty per cent in proportion to the admissions, while the mortality rate, though beyond the ordinary average, was lower than the year before. During last year seventy seven patients were admitted, 44 males and 33 females. With two exceptions, 1868-69, this is the highest number received in any one year since the opening of the hospital. The total number under care in 1872 was 329, the daily average for the year being 258. The discharges were seventy, 36 males and 34 females, leaving on the record at the close of the year 256, including two who were absent on trial. Of those discharged 39 were recovered; and 27 died. Of those who died six were upwards of sixty years of age, two being over seventy. Several of those received were only sent to be nursed during their last illness, five having died within one month, and other five within three months after admission.

The re-admissions in 1872 of those who had formerly been residents of the Hospital and had been discharged, were fourteen, while of those “on trial”, five were returned before their period of probation had terminated.

During the fourteen years the Hospital has been in operation, eight hundred and thirty-eight have been admitted, and five hundred and seventy-nine discharged as follows, namely, one hundred and sixty-five have died; twenty have been removed unimproved; sixty-four have been sent home more or less relieved, and three hundred and thirty have been discharged as recovered.

When the extension now in progress is completed the Hospital will afford accommodation for ninety additional patients.


British Colonist, May 3, 1873. Page 2, Colum 4, near bottom.