In a Fix


Two city youths, who had been imbibing more freely than was wise, visited Dartmouth on Wednesday afternoon. As the weather was warm the idea occurred to them that a swim would be pleasant, and notwithstanding the remonstrances of several parties, they stripped and commenced their bath in a very central spot, in full view of the streets and houses. While they were swimming some distance from the shore, some of the mischievous boys with whom Dartmouth abounds, came along and carried off the clothes of the bathers. The city youths were kept shivering in the water, or under a wharf as they pleased to prefer, for nearly an hour, by which time they had become thoroughly sobered and the place where the mischievous boys hid the clothing was discovered by some kind individuals, who came to the bather’s relief. The pair won’t go bathing in the centre of Dartmouth again in a hurry.


Halifax Morning Chronicle. Aug 15, 1873. Page 3 Column 1.