An act for establishing a Public Burial Ground at Dartmouth, 1842 c25


An Act for establishing a Public Burial Ground at Dartmouth.
(Passed the 19th day of March, 1842.)

WHEREAS, by and under the provisions of an Act, passed in the last Session of the General Assembly, entitled, “ An Act for regulating the Dartmouth Common,” certain persons have been appointed Trustees of said Common, and the same is now under their charge and control ; And whereas, there is no Public Burial Ground at Dartmouth, and there is a portion of said Common suitable therefor, which is of little value for other purposes, and it is desirable that the same should be laid off as a Public Burial Ground:

Scite for Burial Ground in Dartmouth, Trust:
I. Be it therefore enacted by the Lieutenant-Governor, Council and Assembly, That the said Trustees of the Dartmouth Common now appointed, or hereafter to be appointed under the provisions of the aforesaid Act, shall set off and allot all that portion of the said Common at Dartmouth, lying to the North ward of the Burial Ground occupied by the Church Dartmouth of England, commonly called the Old Quaker Burial Ground, included within the following limits, that is to say: beginning at the North-west corner of the Burial Ground so occupied by the Church of England, and running thence Northerly in a continuous line with The Western side line of the said Church of England Burial Ground twenty-nine degrees West two hundred and sixty-four feet; thence North fifty-nine degrees, East three hundred and forty-four feet six inches, until it comes to the Old Road leading from Water Street, in Dartmouth, to the Wind Mill; thence by said Old Road until it comes to Land owned by Thomas Boggs, Esquire; thence by said Lands of the said Thomas Boggs two hundred and fifty-five feet and six inches to the North-east corner of the said Church of England Burial Ground; thence by said Burial Ground three hundred and forty-nine feet to the place of beginning, containing two acres and one eighth of an acre, or thereabouts, which said Lot shall be held by the said Trustees in trust as and for a Public Burial place for the use of the Inhabitants of Dartmouth, except those Denominations of Christians who have Burial Grounds attached to their respective places of Worship.

“An act for establishing a Public Burial Ground at Dartmouth”, 1842 c25