Where are the cost savings in city–county consolidation?

“Although the results of the four cases are mixed, we find that in some cases there are cost savings associated with city–county consolidation, more frequently in specific functional categories than in overall spending.

We also find that it is necessary to examine spending patterns over several years after consolidation. In some cases, short‐term savings dissipate over time. In other cases, initially modest savings grow over time due to a reduction in spending growth.”

Although proposals for city–county consolidation are often justified on the basis of reducing government expenditures or improving efficiency, few studies find that expenditures are actually reduced after consolidation. This study examines long‐term spending trends in four consolidated city–county jurisdictions for periods of eight to ten years pre‐ and post‐consolidation.

Published in Journal of Urban Affairs | Charles D. Taylor | 2017 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Where-are-the-cost-savings-in-city%E2%80%93county-Taylor-Faulk/42a6c1331b6acbb733bcde475388d26dd0b49b0e