Targeted urban consolidation or ad hoc redevelopment? The influence of cadastral structure and change on the urban form of Brisbane, Australia

“Despite planning schemes encouraging urban consolidation, the results indicate that cadastral change is characterized by ad hoc redevelopment, favoring lots that are easily transformed, rather than guidance from regulatory bodies. This contradicts consolidation policies, as redevelopment occurs only where financially and statutorily viable, while further cadastral fragmentation portends that future consolidation will be made more difficult.

We argue that policy mechanisms must address cadastral structure more directly, and that the difficulty of cadastral change may incentivize urban sprawl on greenfield sites.”

Cadastral structure exerts a significant influence on urban form. Efforts to adapt the built environment to accommodate social, environmental and economic shifts are often at odds with cadastral structure inflexibility, and urban consolidation can be particularly hampered by lot size and shape. This research utilizes spatial analysis to examine the influence of cadastral change on infill development.

Published in Urban Geography | Rachel Gallagher | 2020