Census, Township of Dartmouth, 1861

Dartmouth: 1478 Males, 1668 Females, Total population 3,155.

Number of families: 559, 492 Married, 1057 Single, 119 Widows.

Deaf: M: 2, Blind: M: 2, F: 1.

Cannot Read Above 15 years of Age: M: 214, F: 246

Cannot Write Above 15 years of Age: M: 228, F: 287

[black] persons included in population: 197

[Mi’kmaq] not included in population: 34

By Origin: Dartmouth: Total Population: 3155, “Natives”: 2628, England: 107, Wales: 2, Scotland: 78, Ireland: 205, Guernsey: 1, Jersey: 4, Canada: 13, New Brunswick: 29, Newfoundland: 18, Prince Edward Island: 2, West Indies: 10, United States of America: 45, France: 1, Italy: 1, Other peoples in the Mediterranean: 7, Germany: 2, East Indies: 1, All other places: 1.

By Religion: Church of England: 1115, Church of Rome: 807, Church of Scotland: 118, Presbyterian Church of L.P.: 414, Baptists: 408, Wesleyan Methodists: 168, Congregationalists: 8, Universalists: 98, Sandemanians: 10, Bible Christians: 7, Mormons: 2

Causes of Death: Diphtheria: 2, Disease of the Brain: 2, Brochitis: 1, Consumption: 2, Inflammation of Bowels: 3, Teething: 1.

Return of Agricultural Produce, Stock, Fisheries, &c: Acres Dyke Marsh: 4, Value in Dollars: $64, Salt Marsh Acres: 37, Value in Dollars: $788, Cultivated Intervale acres: 28, Value in dollars, $2800, Cultivated Upland: 1166 Acres, Value in Dollars: $88504, Tons of hay cut: 1211, Busels of wheat: 101, Bushels of barley: 1338, Bushels of rye: 10, Bushels of oats: 2110, Bushels of Buckwheat: 44, Bushels Indian Corn: 22, Bushels Peas and Beans: 89, Bushels Potatoes: 8435, Bushels turnips: 7280, Bushels other roots: 1307, Bushels apples: 93, Neat cattle exclusive of cows: 241, Milk cows: 439, Horses: 180, Sheep: 333, Pigs: 137, Hand Looms: 3, Not fulled yards made: 722, Butter lbs made: 11505, Bricks made M: 150, Value: $900, Boats engaged in fisheries: 2, Number of Nets: 15, Barrels of Mackerel: 20, Barrels Herring: 25, Gallons of Fish Oil: 8, Value of Leather Manufactured: $19500, Carriages made: 12, Bush. Lime burnt: 25000, Boats built: 20, M. feet spruce and hemlock boards: 5, M. Staves: 3.

Return of Mills and Manufactures: No. of mills: 6, Propelled by water: 5, Propelled by wind: 1, No. of hands employed: 9, Value: $16000, No. of saw mills: 1, Propelled by water: 1, No. of hands employed: 2, Value: $400,

Nova Scotia. Board of Statistics. Report of the Secretary of the Board of Statistics On the Census of Nova Scotia, 1861 [and Appendices] … Halifax: Printed by order of the government, 1862. https://hdl.handle.net/2027/hvd.hndmn5