Lawrencetown, Lunenburg


We are informed, That the Proprietors of the Township to be, called by the Name of Lawrence-Town, have every Thing in great Forwardness to begin that Undertaking as soon as the season will permit.—-We hear likewise, That a Petition now lies before the Council for a Grant to settle another Township; and that several Schemes of that Sort are at present in Agitation. It is imagined this Spirit of Improvement proceeds from some Discovery lately made of the Goodness of the Land hereabouts, which it is esteemed will in a very short Time reward the Labour of the Industrious.

We hear from Lunenburg, That every Thing is now quiet in that Quarter ; that the Inhabitants behave in the most orderly Manner, and are so industrious in clearing and improving their Lands, that the Place must unavoidably flourish in a very short Time. We can with Pleasure inform the Public, That the Proprietors of LAWRENCE-TOWN, have agreed forthwith to settle the clear’d Land of Mukedeboit, in the said Township, and that any sober industrious Persons, Protestants, who have Families capable of assisting in making Improvements, that may be desirous to engage with said Proprietors, to settle there, will have great Encouragement and Protection.

Halifax Gazette, March 23, 1754. Page 1, Column 2.