Halifax During and After the War of 1812

“A number of highways led out of Halifax. The oldest was the Blue Bell Road which ran past a tavern of that name on what is now Windsor Street. This and the Lady Hammond Road · were reported to be in such a “very bad state” in January, 1824, that Sir James Kempt decided to build a new highway between them. The Kempt Road, as it was called, was henceforth the principal way to the country. Campbell Road, proposed as early as 1831 and laid out in 1836 when Sir Colin Campbell was Lieutenant-Governor, served only the northeast part of the peninsula. The quickest way out of town was by the Dartmouth ferry, sail and row boats before 1816, then teamboats worked by horses, and from 1830 on, steamship. Although the many improvements in transportation in these years enabled Haligonians to know the province better, most of them seem to have been satisfied with their situation in the capital.”

Martell, J.S. “Halifax During and After the War of 1812” Dalhousie Review, Volume 23, Number 3, 1943 https://dalspace.library.dal.ca/bitstream/handle/10222/63954/dalrev_vol23_iss3_pp289_304.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y