Annual Report 1887

Warden’s Address To the rate payers of the municipality of the Town of Dartmouth

Ladies and Gentleman,—

At the close of this my second term in the office of Warden, it is my duty and pleasure to report to you upon the state and condition of the Municipality of Dartmouth.

This municipality has for so long a period been engaged in litigation, that it is with much satisfaction that I am enabled to report for the year 1887 there has been no suits by or against the same, and that the County Council decided not to appeal the “School Case.” and the latter is therefore finally decided in favour of the Town.

There was no legislation affecting the Municipality during the year, but the Hon. the Attorney General has intimated that the Government proposes to introduce an Act of Incorporation, applicable to all the incorporated Towns, and your Council has directed its legal adviser to see that the interests of the Municipality are not prejudiced by the new Act.


The estimated expenditure for this service was $6,900.00. and the actual expenditure was $6,907.93, which includes the sum of $68.75 paid for liabilities incurred during the year 1836. There is a credit of $9.25 for sundries sold, leaving the net. expenditure for the year $6,829.93.

The number of pupils enrolled was 1,057, an increase of 115 over the previous year, and the cost per pupil was $6.46, or deducting the Government grant, $5.01. The cost for 1886 was $6.57.

This service has been judiciously and economically administered during the year, and I have every reason to believe that the Teachers are faithfully performing their duties, and that the schools are in a high state of efficiency.

It has been found necessary to use the Town Hall for a school room, the number of departments having been increased to 16, and it will probably be necessary at the end of the current year to make provision for permanent increased school accommodation.

The average attendance has been over 70 per cent. That of 1886 was 69 per cent.

A number of children residing beyond the Town limits have been in attendance at the schools, and your council decided to allow them to continue to attend upon payment of a sum equal to the per capita cost of our own children.

After careful enquiry, a system of School Savings Banks was instituted, and although the same has been in operation for a short period only, yet I have no doubt that it will prove beneficial to the scholars, and promote habits of thrift.

During the year one room in the Quarl St. School was reseated with modern desks, and the School property is in a good state of repair, save the south side of the roof on Quarl St. building, which needs reshingling.

The estimated expenditure for this service for 1888 is as follows:

Advertising and printing20.00
Stoves, pipe, etc.50.00
Stationery and books120.00
Rent Tufts Cove School20.00


No increase in the number of lamps has been made, there being 51, the same as last year.

The estimated expenditure was $650.00, and the amount expended was $565.83. As a large number of the rate-payers have expressed a desire to have the electric light introduced, your Council decided to put in the estimates for the year 1888 the sum of $1400,00 for this service, a sum sufficient to have ten or more electric lights put up and also to keep up the oil lamps in the suburbs.

As this is a material increase in this expenditure, it is desirable that you should, at the ensuing annual meeting, express your opinion on the subject, for the guidance of the incoming Council, who will have to conform this estimate, or not, as you may direct.


There were no licenses applied for or granted during the year.

At the beginning of the year the sum of $211, received for licenses, that had been included in the civic funds, was transferred to the Inspector’s account in the Bank, and out of this has been expended the sum of $61.80, leaving a balance of $149.20.

As there was no license fees to be recieved, it was decided to leave this sum in the Inspector’s hands, to enable him to carry out the purposes of the Act; and, as an application has been received for a brewer’s license, when the fee for the latter is received, the former balance, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, can be transferred to the Town for Town purposes.

The Act has been rigidly enforced by the Inspector, and, in my opinion, the operation of the same has been beneficial to the Town.


The estimated expenditure for this service was $600, and the actual expenditure was $762.31.

In former years it has been customary to allow the amount for the last quarter of the current year to remain unpaid, but this year the amount due for the last quarter of 1886, viz.: $135.03, and the whole of the amount for 1887, has been paid, thus leaving the net expenditure for this service $627.28.

The County Council has erected buildings at Cole Harbour for the accommodation of the poor of the County, and your Council will make application to have the poor, chargeable to this Town, boarded there, as it is believed that the same can be done at a less rate than is paid at present.


The estimated expenditure for this service was $1400, and the expenditure $1,382.15, but this also included the sum of $365.89, due for the quarter ending Dec. 31st, 1886.

Arrangements have been made with a number of the relatives of those chargeable to this municipality to supply them with clothing, and by this means a considerable saving will be effected.


Under the provisions of Chapter 27, Acts of 1886, your Council appointed a Committee to confer with a Committee of the County Council relative to the proportion of County Rates to be paid by Dartmouth.

The estimates of the County Council for the year 1886, for amount required for County purposes was $30,456, and from this the Committee of that Council agreed to deduct $18,100 for services not chargeable to – this Municipality, leaving the sum of $12,356. to which this town had to contribute.

The valuations of Assessors for 1886 were as follows:-—

Dartmouth$ 1,195,125.00
County of Halifax$2,053,721.00
City of Halifax$21,002,040.00

It was admitted that the City of Halifax assessment was at a higher valuation than either Dartmouth or the County, and it was finally agreed that thereafter Dartmouth should pay one-nineteenth of the County rates properly chargeable to the three Municipalities, and under this last year Dartmouth paid $684.21, and this made the proportionment of the aggregate assessment of $24,310,885, about as follows:—

City of Halifax$20,023,423.00

During the pendeucy of the “School suit,” only the approximate amount due the County each year for County rates could he ascertained, and payments were from time to time made on account.

Your Council has several times during the past year endeavoured to get the County account shewing what balance was claimed, but only received the same on the 31st December last, and have not had an opportunity to thoroughly investigate the same.

The balance, as claimed in the account received, for years 1874 to 1887 inclusive, is $4,414.30,but from this should be deducted $684.21, paid in December, 1887, and also the sum of $1,500 paid in the year 1883, and a balance of $40.00 not credited, leaving a balance of $2,190.00, and I have little doubt but that even this sum on investigation will be largely reduced.

It will be the duty of your Council to investigate and settle the claim.

The 1884 smallpox accounts were credited in the account rendered.


For the year 1887 the estimated expenditure was $18,486, and the actual expenditure was $17,730.12. At the Beginning of the year there was cash on hand $871.83, including $211 since transferred to the License account; and at the end of the year there was on hand $678.21.

The amount assessed for all purposes was $13,746, and the amount thereof collected was $12.365.64.

The amount assessed on property within the municipality was $12,832.05, at a rate of $1.05 per $100. The incidental revenue received was $5381.86.

Owing to the promptitude with which your rates are paid, and the energy of the Town officials, the small sum of $296.05 of the taxes of 1886, or 2.43 percent thereof is uncollected. At the endof that year therewas uncollected $1533.77, and on 31st December, 1887, of the assessment of 1887 the very small sum of $774.76, or 6.03 per cent. was uncollected.

The only current liabilities of the Town on 31st December were Mrs. Lamont $300.00, held on account of disputed title; $379.83, for accrued interest on debentures not yet payable, and two small accounts amounting to $10.40. All other accounts to that date. of every kind, have been paid.

The assessed valuation of all property within the Town for the year was $1,222,110.00, an increase of $6,475 over the year 1886. I have caused a detailed statement of the expenditures to be printed herewith for your information.


For this service the estimated expenditure was $150, and there was expended the sum of $130.34.

A new well was dug on Fairbanks Street, and new force pumps were put in several of the wells.


The Lamont property is still leased to a tenant at the former rental.

During the year additions were made to the Lockup building, a new building for the ladder cart was erected, and it having been considered dangerous to continue longer to store oil in the old engine house, a new building to be used for that purpose and as a workshop was erected on the engine house lot. The floor of the engine house and the gearing of the fire hell were renewed, and a step-ladder to the bell tower erected.

The buildings owned by the Municipality are in good repair, and the only estimated expenditure for this service for the year 1888 is for the purpose of shingling the roof of the Quarl Street school building.


There have been only two fires of any moment during the year, but unfortunately these destroyed two important manufactories and threw a number out of employment. There were nine alarms. The estimate for this service was $600, and the expenditure $700.57.

A contract has been entered into for a new ladder Wagon, to be delivered in February, the same to cost $87, and a new building therefor was erected. The steam and one of the hand engines are in good order, but a further supply of rubber hose is required to replace some 300 feet of leather hose.

The estimate for the year 1888 includes sums sufficient to pay for the ladder cart and new rubber hose.


The estimated expenditure for this service was $2300. There was expended the sum of $2242.63, and the sum of $35.36 was received for material sold etc., leaving a net expenditure of $2207.27.

The Ward expenditure, for labor, was:—Ward One, $621.96; Two, $303.72, and Three, $793.92, and the sum of $172.14 was made a general charge.

The most important work was the improvement at St James’ Church, to which the Trustees of that Church contributed $150, and the replanking of the Lower Canal Bridge.

There were 3836 bushels broken stone, 47 loads gravel, and 230 loads ashes used. besides large quantities of other materials.

The Hon. Mr. Justice James dedicated that portion of Hawthorn Street, fronting on his property, to the Town, upon condition that it be improved within three years, and his terms and the dedication were accepted.

The principal streets are in very good repair, but in my opinion some suitable means should be procured to enable future committees to have a much larger supply of broken stone, as this material is much more durable than any other, and consequently in the long run cheaper.


Applications were made to the Hon. the Postmaster General, for better post office accommodation, and so far no improvement. has been made, but the matter may he still under consideration. Application was also made to the Hon. the Minister of Railways for better freight accommodation the Dartmouth station, but this application did not receive the approval of that gentleman and was refusal.


The following are the estimates to be submitted to you for the year 1888 :—

Pauper Lunatics1,200
Pumps and Wells150
County Rates684
Allowance non-collection and discount500
Fire, School and Widows’ exemption400
Cash on hand$678
Court Fees500
Poll Tax1,400
Dog Tax90
Licenses Trucks etc.81
Government grant schools1,530
Rents, Lamont property50
Rents, Common40
Interest on Deposits50
Amounts to be assessed on Real and Personal Property$14,911

The various services have been carefully and judiciously administered. The expenditures have been kept well within the estimates, and the current liabilities have all been settled The various officials have diligently performed their duties. and I cannot close my long connection with civic affairs without hearing testimony to the faithfulness, untiring industry, and ability of ‘your Town Clerk and Treasurer.

Thanking you and the members of the Town Council for the uniform courtesy and consideration extended to me, I have the honour to be, ladies and gentlemen, Your obedient servant, B. A. WESTON, Warden.


To his honour the warden and councillors of the town of Dartmouth

Gentlemen, We have audited the books, vouchers and accounts of the Town Clerk and Treasurer for the year ended Dec, 31st 1887, and beg to report the same correct.

Herewith you will find in Schedule A a list of the current liabilities of the Town, and a statement of the bonded debt, as shown by the ledger accounts and sundry documents submitted for our inspection.

By the accompanying statement it will be seen the recipets for the year amounted to $17,747.50, and the expenditure to $17,941.12, still leaving a balance to the credit of the Town of $678.21.

All of which is respectfully submitted, A.C. Johnston, Geo Foot, Auditors, Dartmouth, January 11th, 1888


Business for year ended Dec. 31, 1887 :— Summons issued-

Served in Dartmouth272
Served in Halifax City and County96
Capias’ served23

All of above writs were served by the Town Constables, except in 24 cases, which were served outside of the police limits.


Return of convictions; and acquittals for year ended Dec. 31st, 1887:

Drunk and Disorderly53
Fighting on streets1
Common assault1112
Assault on a constable1
Disturbing meeting for religious worship1
Offences under Vagrancy Act103
Playing ball on street13
Disorderly driving1
Selling liquor without. license11
Keeping liquor for sale1
Using profane language on streets11
Causing a nuisance11
Allowing cows to go at large45
Felonious breaking and entering1
Malicious injury to property711
Shooting with intent to murder1