A chart of the coast of Nova Scotia from Port Maltois to Lawrence town

a chart of the coast of nova scotia from port maltois to lawrence town 2

“An Indian path to the lakes by which and the River Chebenacadie they go to Quebecq”, which seems to follow what was the original path of Crichton Avenue, also noted, “Coal Harbor”.

a chart of the coast of nova scotia from port maltois to lawrence town 1
a chart of the coast of nova scotia from port maltois to lawrence town

Meyer, Elias. “A chart of the coast of Nova Scotia from Port Maltois to Lawrence town [cartographic material] / Copeye’d by me E. Meyer Lt. of the 60, or Royal American Regt. 1757” https://hdl.huntington.org/digital/collection/p15150coll4/id/16135